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DL8 시리즈 Application Examples

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Heat PumpPDF
Applicable Area : Facilities/Machinery
Application : Remote maintenance of heat pumps

A heat pump is a technology in which, using a small energy input, heat is collected from the air to allow use of a large amount of thermal energy. Heat pumps are employed for air conditioning in office buildings and other places as well as to supply hot water in hospitals and hotels. Their maintenance is essential.

Many input signals, such as the operating status of pump and compressor, the CO2 emission, the hot water outlet temperature, and the values from various pressure sensors, are transmitted to the DL8 by using R3 Series remote I/O.

In the event of device malfunction, a contact signal showing abnormality is input to the DL8, and an e-mail notification is sent to maintenance personnel at the manufacturer.

Heat Pump

● Static IP or dynamic DNS is required.

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