
DL30系列 Web Browser Views

Web Browser Views

Users do not need any additional application program to view the data. User-friendly browser views are already installed: Data, Trend, Event and Report views. Each one is basic but useful, designed for ease of browsing on a small screen of smart phones and tablets.

TREND   DATA(Analog Input)
TREND Enlarged view   LOGGING(Analog Input) Enlarged view
EVENT Enlarged view   REPORT(Daily) Enlarged view
Data Storing

Trend data, logging data, and report data are written into the internal memory at a specified writing cycle. The logging data and report data can be transferred to an SD card at a timing according to the writing cycle.
Event data (event logs, system logs, communication logs) is written into the internal memory every time an event occurs, and can be transferred to an SD card in a one-minute cycle.

Process Operation Monitor Function

DL30-G defines a single analog channel or a group of discrete channels of different types as a “process” and monitors each process using Gantt chart for displaying the operational history and Andon screen for displaying the process status.
No. of processes: Max. 32 processes
Type of process: Analog / Digital

GANTT CHART Enlarged view ANDON SCREEN Enlarged view
User-Definable Web Screens

Use our user-defined screen designing software (model: DL30 Web Designer), or any support tool for editing HTML files, etc. prepared by the customer.

User-Definable Web Screens
