Application Notes
Power Supply

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Isolation / Temperature / Pulse / Strain Gauge / Potentiometer / AC
Pneumatic / Function / Power Supply / Alarm / Power Mesurement
Trend & Log/Communication / Surge Protection / Other Topics

032058 We are planning to input the signal from a level sensor at field to DCS of which 4-20mAdc input is required. We chose M-System's current loop supply (model YVD). 3-wire conncetion is required in the level sensor, however, the YVD is for 2-wire sensor connection as far as I check in the specification sheet. Do you have any current loop supply unit to meet 3-wire type level sensor. Or can I used the YVD for the sensor?
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032059 In order to supply power to two-wire transmitter, we are planning to use your current loop supply (model DS-24). The output 1 will be provided to a recorder, and the output 2 to a computer. As far as I looked over its specification sheet, we could not find any description of load resistance for each output.
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032064 We are planning to measure the temperature of brick making furnace with thermocouple. In ordinary case we check it in the control room, 200 meters far from the furnace. We also want to check it at the furnace site but we do not have a power for instrumentation equipment there.
Do you have any good idea?
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032074 We have a two-wire type flow meter. The signal from this flow meter needs to be displayed on a bar graph indicator (1-5 VDC). Meanwhile, this signal also needs to be converted to 4-20mA DC and feed into a PLC.
What is the most efficient way to achieve this?
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032096 We monitor water well level at the site. We have used two types level transmitters, one is measuring 0-10 meters proportional to its output 4-20 mAdc, the other is measuring 0-3 meters proportional to its output 4-20 mAdc.We are going to prepare one level transmitter and one current loop supply as spare parts.Does M-System have the current loop supply, which can adjust the output span of 4-20 mAdc widely when measuring 0 - 3 meter with using 0 - 10 meter measuring type level transmitter?
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032102 We usually use the Current Loop Supply model M2DY or M2DYS when 24 V power supply is required for 2-wire type field sensor. In a recent application, we need to use a 3-wire type field sensor and its current comsumption is 24V / 100mA. Does M-System have a suitable unit? Please let me know how we should connect the device with the 3-wire field sensor?
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032108 We are utilizing a 2-wire flow rate transmitter and a current loop supply, M2DYS as combination. This time we’d like to add a 2-wire digital DC meter, model 6DV-B inserted on this loop. However, the output load resistance of the flow rate transmitter will exceed the limited 400 ohms if we installed the 6DV-B in series connection. Does M-System have some suitable solution?
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032124 We use a 2-wire flow meter at field. We have some problems recently. Even the flow volume is zero, the indicator on the receiving instrument shows fluctuation and unstable.
Do you have any solution with any M-System transmitter? Furthermore, the flow meter doesn’t have square root extraction function, so please introduce a suitable transmitter with square root extractor.
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Isolation / Temperature / Pulse / Strain Gauge / Potentiometer / AC
Pneumatic / Function / Power Supply / Alarm / Power Mesurement
Trend & Log/Communication / Surge Protection / Other Topics