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DL8 시리즈 Application Examples

사명 변경 이전에 발행된 제품, 카탈로그, 웹사이트 등에 구 사명 및 기업 로고가 표기되어 있으나, 새 사명으로 바꿔 불러 주시기 부탁드립니다.

Public FacilityPDF
Applicable Area : Public facilities
Application : Municipal public facility monitoring

The amount per hour and the average values of solar power generation and electrical power, water, gas, fuel used by public facilities in the city (ie. libraries, schools, city halls, public pools, etc.) are saved as CSV files and transmitted.

The created CSV files are transmitted regularly from the DL8 to a cloud server (FTP server) designated by the municipality.

Transmission from DL8 to the cloud server takes place once every 10 minutes, which means that the data is basically updated in real time.

The data captured in the cloud server is processed for easy browsing so that staff can look through it at any time.

Public Facility

● Static IP or dynamic DNS is required.

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