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DL8 시리즈 Application Examples

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District Heating and Cooling PDF
Applicable Area : Facilities / Machinery
Application : Data acquisition for district heating and cooling

The DL8 is used for monitoring and data logging of the Multi-Function PID Controller that controls the temperatures of district heating and cooling.

Multi-Function PID Controller data including the process variable (PV), PID control loop set point (SP) and manipulated variable (MV) for temperatures, etc. are logged by the DL8 unit via Modbus/TCP communication.

Connect to a Wi-Fi access point from a tablet and open the Web browser view of the DL8 unit to display the current value or trend graphs and also verify the PID control status.

The set point (SP) of the control loop can be changed remotely via the DL8 Web browser.

If an abnormality occurs in facility operations, retreive the SD card from the DL8 unit to conduct a detailed analysis of the recorded/stored trend data.

District Heating and Cooling

● Static IP or dynamic DNS is required.

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